Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fan Trailer and Poster Friday

Since there are some really good fan-made trailers and videos out there I thought it might be fun to post a few every Friday. If you have created something or know of something good and would like to see it shared, please let me know at I will pick one or two each week to post.

Please watch the spoilers. I won't post any posters with spoilers and if I post a video with a spoiler, it wil be labeled as such. I want everyone to have the option of remaining spoiler free!

For the first FTPF, it's a very nice 4 minute video - trailer courtesy of RegineFilange!

It contains a spoiler, so please do not watch if you don't want to know.

Thanks for sharing RegineFilange!


MMc said...

that was nice - is that music from the movie? Haunting!
This looks like it's going to be sad.

SnowQueen said...

Great vid... the quotes are from the movie?

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