Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Remember Me Discussion Group

What's your impression of how men and women react to it? How differently and how much the same?


Camille said...

I think that Remember Me afects men and women in the same way, but women show it differently. Grieving is a universal feeling, not exclusive to one gender.

LTavares2011 said...

I think Remember Me is a drama so human that is impossible for any sensitive human being, to not feel any emotional connection to the drama of Tyler. The story involves you in a such a way that you look into the eyes of the characters and you can feel the sadness, the love. Nor everyone will cry as I did but certainly they won`t forget Tyler`s last look. Who will?

jessegirl said...

I actually haven't given this question much thought. I think it's more a matter of how types of people respond. That is, from what I've seen and read, many people who have suffered great loss, whether young, old, male or female, react intensely and are very passionate about the film. Yes, Camille, I think that it might be a matter of men and women perhaps showing it differently. What both of you say about grieving and the emotional connection, and the universality of this, is so true. I think men are surprised by RM's excellence because of the bad press preceding it, and they have to jump the hurdle of perceiving it as a 'chick flick' but after that first sequence, RM owns them too.

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