Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Remember Me Saturday Campaign Gets Noticed by OK

Sometimes OK Magazine can get it right!! This is one of those ocassions!

Looks like there are some serious Robert Pattinson fans out there that want him to know they love him as Rob, and not just as Twilight’s Edward Cullen. A nationwide fan campaign has been started called "Remember Me Saturday" to push for bigger box office results for his new post-Twilight film!

"The basic plan is to push for this National Fan Event on Saturday, March 13th due to the fact that Friday and Saturday are the days weekend box office estimates are based on," the Remember Me Saturday blog states.

As the release date gets closer the fans are pushing even harder for more support to make Rob’s new film a huge success. Their recommendation is after you see the film on Friday take your friends and family with you again on Saturday!

"C’mon Rob fans! Let’s show him he’s much more than Edward to us!", the fans Tweeted on their RM Saturday account.

If you want to help out too, please click here:
Remember Me Saturday

OK Magazine.com

Thanks to Spunk Ransom.com for the tip!

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