Saturday, September 4, 2010

Remember Me Discussion Group

When Tyler first talks to Neil Craig he says "I'm not going anywhere", then he challenges him with "I did the whole thing on a bet, anyways". What caused the change?


LTavares2011 said...

Tyler, when challenged or have his actions questioned, does not measure the consequences of what he speaks or does. I imagine that this behavior it is one of the traumatic effects caused by the tragic death of Michael.
Tyler is a sweet but he is an emotionally fragile man, immature for some things and likes to tease when he does not feel comfortable with people when he feels the animosity of some people toward him. Evidently he didn`t like having your home invaded and your privacy violated by Neil, so he ended up saying things that he knew it would irritate the father of Ally, that would make Neil Craig react the way he reacted.
I think Tyler becomes aware later, and then repents of the things he does and says but it is on account that way, "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde" that he ends up moving away from many people. That's why after he tells about the vengence plan to Ally but also does not apologize to her. He thinks that is the best thing to do and that in doing so she will leave him and that's what she does.
Michael's death left Tyler lost and divided. There are two Tylers: what he really is and what he thinks he is.

Jen L. said...

Honestly, I was surprised when he said that at the end, the immature, vicious taunt. I thought Tyler had almost gotten to a place of truce with Neil for a minute there -- that he'd gotten across that no matter what Neil thought of him, he truly cared about Ally, and that Neil might in fact back down somewhat... and then he threw that taunt out, flat out daring Neil to come at him, obviously wanting to enrage Neil to a point of violence.

The only thing I could think of was that deep down, Tyler WANTED to be punished for his initial lie, and this was the only way he could think of to do it. But he got much more than he bargained for, when Ally left him.

jessegirl said...

I agree, Jen L., that Tyler wanted Neil to punish him. Although, as Kat's question goes, I'm not sure how to answer that. That is, how did he change from one to the other? I can't figure that out.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

The "I'm not goin anywhere" remains a riddle to me. What does that mean? I thought it was a beautiful line , as he we saying he was lost, but it remains unclear to me. Any ideas anyone?

Jen said...

The line “I’m not going anywhere,” I think was Tyler’s way of telling Neil that he was not leaving Ally that she was in his life. It wasn’t until Neil started his snide remarks about him just living in coach till he went back to his high class life and then started on his family and his brother. “Michael, deceased suicide by hanging.” that Tyler snapped and unwavering told Neil he had the whole thing for a bet anyway--- not realizing the repercussions he set in motion.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

OK Jen thank you... I hadn't thought of that!

Jen said...

Your welcome WhyistheRumAlwaysGone, when he said these words to Neil this was exaclty what I thought Tyler was going to be in Ally's life but Neil provoked him.

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