Sunday, February 14, 2010

Roundup of Pierce Brosnan Interviews

A little late, but better late than never.

Pierce Brosnan had mentioned his work on Remember Me in a couple of interviews that he did during the Percy and the Olympians promotion.

The first interview is with Jenni Miller for

Interview: Pierce Brosnan on Polanski, Percy, and R-Patz
To shift gears a bit, speaking of media-centric figures, you're in Remember Me with Robert Pattinson, which must have been totally bizarre to try and film in New York City.

PB: [laughs] It was. Well, I've seen it. I've never encountered such attention in my career. I mean, I certainly had it but on a day-to-day basis, this young man certainly acquitted himself very well. And I think he was just completely blindsided by everything. And here he was doing a drama, which he's executive producer on, and he had a heavy workload every day, and it's a hard one to be wrenched out of every time you step out of our trailer.

Especially in New York.

PB: And there's nowhere to hide. There's nowhere to run. You know, you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't... You have to go to emotional places where you really need to [put your] head down and [look] straight ahead... It's a very dramatic movie, and it's a beautiful movie. It's a love story. I play his father. What can I say about it? I'm very proud of that.

To read more of the interview, which also looks at Pierce's roles in Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and The Ghost Writer, please click here:

Here is a link to the Today Show clip where Pierce was interviewed by Matt Laurer on Feb 4th. He talks about Remember Me and Rob starting at 3:57.

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