Monday, April 12, 2010

Thoughts on Remember Me 27

Rob did an excellent job. I'm still in a bit of a shock by the ending. Great script ! One word: Waaw ! - veerlevg

Thank you - we definetely did! The film was ABSOLUTELY GENIUS <3 got my eyes watering up (which is something movies can only rarely ever do to me). the performances were A+, the story was fabulously genius, and the music got matched perfectly! am in l<3ve. Thihi. With Remember Me. ;D - uniquelovebites

saw it yesterday, it was SO MUCH BETTER than I even expected! Yeah! I really loved it, have been crying all evening. Thank u so much for such a great story - konosha

I give you one word: WOW!!! Okay, three more: Outstanding. Unique. BEAUTIFUL!!! - samsymarie

saw it last night. Beautiful and tragic. Loved it even though I guessed the ending 10mins in. - sineadcrilly

I just watched #RememberMe - ;____; OMG so sad. Really good film. Definitely everyone should - missminimoo


Abby said...

This movie went out of my theaters a couple of weeks ago, and I still haven't been able to get it out of my mind. I saw it three times, and would have seen it more if I could. Now I'm anxiously awaiting June 22nd, and believe me, it could NOT get here any faster! That's one DVD I will be watching over and over, not just cause of Rob, but for the movie itself. Rob is just an added bonus :)

Anonymous said...

I've watched this amazing film 5 times so far hoping to see it again before it leaves the theatre, well done to Rob and the cast you did a fine job, I'll be definitly buying it on Blu-ray.

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