Saturday, August 14, 2010

Remember Me Discussion Group

Why do you think that Ally goes back to Tyler's apartment after her father hits her?


WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

I knwo some people were astonished that she went to Tyler's flat, when after all she hardly kenw him yet, as it was only their second date, and said it was contrived. But if you look it at it logically,n thi sis the only place her father would not knwo about: she couldn't go to any of her own friends because her father would have found her immediately. Going to a hotel is out of the question, she has no money and her father is a cop, he would obviously investigate that. But he could never guess about Tyler. And she probably remembered that the door did not have a lock - which meant she could go there any time she wanted, even if they were out, and wait for them to come home.

jessegirl said...

You've said it all, Rum. Very logical. I never even thought about it. I didn't know who her other friends were because we aren't shown that. Tyler had a lot of personal charm going for him too, considering the beat up apartment. Any girl would cringe at the place.

Jen said...

I had a hard time wondering why she would go there also. I kept thinking her Father would
find her at friends and she would know that. . Tyler did reveal to her that Michael killed himself and I think she felt she could trust him. I think she knew Tyler was someone who wouldn’t toss her Out as he and Aiden were responsible for her “One Drink” that went too far.

kat said...

I completely concer. She knew that her father would never find her there. He had already been through all her stuff, so her known friends were out.

On a side note, I wonder how long she was there before she broke out the cleaner and sponge in that bathroom.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Kat - "I wonder how long she was there before she broke out the cleaner and sponge in that bathroom". - lol - I love inventing backstories. Maybe Tyler and Aidan were so ashamed that they actually cleaned the bathroom for her. Or --I know, Tyler made Aidan scrub the bathroom for Ally as a punishment for having gotten her into this mess with her father. And he sent Aidan to buy her a couple of new toothbrushes with his own money. And he also made him wash the dishes every night for a fortnight. What about this backstory? :))

SCHUYLER said...

Ally went to tyler's apartment because when her father hit she knew that at tyler's place she will not be found by her dad because she never told her father who she was with last night. Even ally knew she will be safe with tyler and adian

Zee said...

What Rum said is 100% correct. You go to a friends house you're parents don't know their number and/or where they live. I think she went to Tylers not only because she felt safe or to get away from her fathers but she went there so both she and her father could calm down because if you really think about it, they both said something things they could regret (if this were in real story, they probably did)

LTavares2011 said...

Of course she was hurt and sad with his father. I think there are some reasons for Ally having left home and she having returned to Tyler`s apartment: 1. Ally has no friends to look for and Tyler is the closest person that she can call as a friend ; 2. She wanted to annoy his father in staying with Tyler ( only in imagining what he would think if he knew that she was with him ), because he was, in part, the reason of their fight; 3. She feels attracted to Tyler, unconsciously she wants to be with him and the fight only serves as a pretext for that happen.

jessegirl said...

Rum, I love your backstory! I remember Rob saying he loved the apartment set. It's growing on me too--no, not like mold, lol. Yes, Aiden needs to make restitution somehow.
I know too, from experience, that if you're really attracted to a guy and he wants you over, if his place is a mess, you just go with it, because HE is there. Weird hormonal reason. You even wonder if there could be merit in filth, because your hormones can only see HIM.

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