Sunday, November 28, 2010

Remember Me is Favorite Film

Viewers have voted Remember Me to be their favorite Robert Pattinson film in the People's Choice Weekly Movie Poll (we 11-24).

The results of the poll was:
Remember Me 36%
Eclipse 33%
Twilight 23%
New Moon 5%



Anonymous said...

I´m happy!It´s so great!

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Great! I can hardly believe it, but RM beat the Twilight series for once :).

jessegirl said...

It's very interesting, isn't it. While I love Twilight I definitely think RM is better. How wonderful! I wonder if even more people will now try it because of the result of this poll? That would be great.

LTavares2011 said...

I am so happy too but it would be better if Remember Me should have the chance to be among the nominations of People`s choice. I would love to see Rob nominated for his work for RM. Are there any movements trying a nomination for RM for the Golden Globe or even the Bafta?
I love Rob as Edward but I can not understand why these awards prefer ignoring the fact that RM is a very, very good film , with a great cast and with a director very respected like Coulter. I have been seen many films, most of them are not so good as RM but even so, they are nominated, why not RM? Sometimes, for just a moment I feel like an idiot just for loving this beautiful film. Sorry for my words.

maria said...

Me alegro sobre todo por Robert,para mi es su mejor película ,no entiendo,porque los críticos no le han dado el reconocimiento que merece ,por lo menos parece que el publico si. Quizás algún día los críticos rectifiquen y la valoren como tienen que valorarla

Heidi said...

LTavares, I really wish Remember Me would have been one of the choices for the People's Choice Award, too. It's such an outstanding movie and it still moves me in the same way as it did when I first watched it. Too bad more people haven't felt the same way.

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