Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Moviefone 10 On Screen Couples for 2010 - Rob and Emilie in Remember Me has listed Rob and Emilie as one of the on-screen, first time couples that they are most excited to see!

Robert Pattinson & Emilie de Ravin
Starring In: 'Remember Me' (March 12)
Why We're Psyched: It may be difficult for hardcore Twihards to accept Edw... uh, Rob in a passionate relationship with anyone other than Kristen Stewart (who's currently busy with 'The Yellow Handkerchief' and 'The Runaways'), but the rest of us are psyched to see him paired with lovely Aussie de Ravin ('Lost,' 'Brick') -- and playing a mere mortal! -- in this drama about a rebellious New Yorker and the young woman who helps him overcome emotional scars from a family tragedy.

Now, please go to their site and vote for Rob and Emilie as the on-screen couple that you are excited about for in 2010. 10 Screen Couples

Don't forget.....Vote early and vote often!

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