Sunday, February 7, 2010

Remember Me Countdown

Reason #32

Tony Award Winner Gregory Jbara!

I'm definitely looking forward to it - but only because Greg Jbara is in it. He's not just my favorite actor but he's also one of the nicest guys in the business and the other people involved in this show were lucky to have a chance to work with him. - Mamie

Greg will be the reason that, short of 'an act of God,' I'll have my butt in a seat at my local movie theater at the earliest showing of RM I can possibly make. - JbaraFan

Greg is totally my reason for seeing this as well! Love the man, he is a class act in every sense of the word. :-) - froofiedadawg


Barb, Greg's webmaster said...

So happens that just a little while ago, I finished watching a Tate Ellington movie on Netflix streaming ('The Elephant King' - Tate was really good in it, I thought!) Then I check here and find this! Love it! :) You do a great job of supporting all the cast of the film. - Barb

kat said...

Thanks Barb! They all deserve support - they are what help make this film a must see!

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