Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thoughts on Remember Me 19

Good grief Rob! Ur gonna kill me! @RememberMeFilm took my breath away. Literally. - IMK1323

Holy Hell. #RememberMe *speechlessly dabs eyes with sodden tissue* - AmoreBella88

Saw #RememberMe today & loved all aspects of it & so hoping it does well - dpflughoeft

Saw the amazing film #RememberMe once today and twice yesterday .amazed at the heart that went in to the project .BRAVO! - Originalchele

Just saw #RememberMe. Subtle, Intelligent, Well-acted. Rare movie these days. Damn the critics - it was very good. - bassethoundbabe

just left theatre. #RememberMe a MUST SEE. Screw all the haters trying to spoil the film. Congrats RPatz on a job well done - gailgiordano

What a great film! Great story, great actors/actress...just wow! - slowie

Word of mouth for #RememberMe! It's a powerful movie. Saw it again last night-really analyzed Rob's acting. He's incredible. - cocoapup

1 comment:

spidermonkeytwo said...

went to see rm on its release date here Friday last. I loved it, even though I shed a tear or two. I wish people would see it for what it is and not expect the whole story in a trailer? It was an ordinary day that turned upside down and the film reflects the way it played out. Again, I LOVED it. xx

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