Monday, May 3, 2010

Countdown to DVD Release - Favorite Quotes

Quote #50

Oh yeah, I come here all the time with my dad and his bowling buddies"


LTavares2011 said...

I was wondering why I love so much Ally? but the answer is simple and this scene answers my question, it is one of the best scenes of hers. I love her sense of humour, her gracious, her spontaneity. I like the way she interacts with Tyler and especially with Charles, and how she intervenes very naturally and good humour in the discussion of parent and son. I left the theater wanting to be a little too Ally.
Rob and Emilie are wonderful together, a great partnership, good chemistry. Good interpretations and very exciting.

jessegirl said...

Yes, LTavares, I loved Ally too and she is talked about less than most of the guys in this film, both as an actress and as a character. Perhaps we are still all so Robstruck.
I'm really tired and pretty much ready for bed so my thoughts probably won't be very interesting here.

Question? Why do you think that Ally uses this restaurant moment to reveal the detail about being there when her mother was murdered?
Secondly, Tyler wonders why as well, but why would he ask her why there, instead of waiting for a more private moment?

Am I wrong in thinking that Tyler was, that night, so wrapped up in his Dad's failings, so ready to rant at him, that he didn't allow the huge revelation about the night Ally's Mom died any time or energy? He was so self-involved that her trauma and past didn't mean much to him? Was he miffed at her revelation because it would take the attention off him, Caroline's show, and the beef he has with his Dad?

Another quote comes a bit later when he grabs his bike and Ally wonders what he thinks he's going to solve by fighting with his father. He says something so callous to her, something like did she think she could take care of herself for just an hour, as if this independent woman needed him to coddle her all the time. Anyone know why he behaved so badly there? Any ideas? I'm thunk out.

Heidi said...

Possibly deep down he knows Ally's right-that nothing will be solved if he confronts his father which angers him even more; this could be why he lashes out at her.

Also, I think she discusses her mother's murder because she was comfortable in that moment to reveal it. If you pay close attention to this scene she's somewhat surprised herself to have announced it.

Just my thoughts. :)

Anonymous said...

Why did Ally reveal the truth a that moment? I don't know, I would say maybe because she was ready to do it. I mean throughout the movie, you can see that Ally/Neil's relationship is very tense: they never refer to Ally's mother, and the only moment it happens it's during their fight. Talking about what happened in the subway is the trouble spot and definitely not something Ally can do with her own father. So I was thinking, Charles is the second father figure of the movie: in the restaurant scene, he is relaxed and looks open-minded, and if you look well you'll see that Ally says about her mother to Charles, not Tyler. He becomes like you know the father figure she wishes she could have had to freely discuss her mother's murder.
Besides, I'd like not to talk about Tyler's callous words but more about the second intimate scene.
There's something such powerful in that scene: there's almost nothing tender in their gestures and kisses. It's more like a fight! And so...that leads me to the conclusion that this scene is probably their best moment together. Because they're not flirting, they're not loving, they're both expressing their rage and sadness. This is like the confrontation of the two suffering Tyler and Ally. So yes that scene is definitely intimate, and not just physically but emotionally. Their hurt hearts are meeting here and that's what probably makes that scene so genuine...
Okay, I shut up because I write too much. This is just my point of view, but here is my idea of theses scenes.


WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

I've thought a lot too about Ally's revealing that she saw her mother murdered while they were having dinner - it seemed like a strange moment to do so. Then maybe she was just ready, and she needed to say it. Maybe she never told anyone else - who knows? In terms of script and plot, it's also an adequate moment because it's the only time she's both with Tyler and his father, and it's important - plot-wise - that both men get this information. There's a lot of mirroring in this film, and we know that Tyler was the one who found his dead brother. So Tyler finding his brother - Ally seeing her mother die : it all fits. Both have been through a horrible similar expriment, and they are joined in this. Now Tyler knows - hence the long look exchanged between the two and the way Tyler fidgets. And it's important that Tyler's father should know, that he should see the common wound which now unites his son and Ally. Maybe that's why Tyler tells him later in the boardromm scene that it was him, Tyler, who found Michael's body. Maybe he's somehow thinking of what Ally told him and he is now reminding his father: "you did not get through what I had to get through, you did not experience it first hand as I did, as Ally did, you can't understand".
Just a theory, though...

jessegirl said...

Thanks for discussing the intricacies of this scene and later ones and why Ally's revelation takes place at that moment. You all had things to say which helped me figure it out.

Heidi...I think that you're right about why he lashes out at Ally. But, funnily enough, I think that confrontation with his father in the boardroom DID make a difference and had to happen. Tyler couldn't hold back any longer and had to let his Dad know, no matter what Ally said. Possibly many of us have felt that way towards our parents at one time or another. I know I recognized Tyler's feeling, have been intimate with it. So, while Ally's advice was rational, made sense, she was wrong. Tyler, in that scene, changed his father. For sure. Neither of them knew it until later and Tyler maybe not at all, but change there was.

Oh Anonymous...That up-against-the-wall sex scene when he returns, flooded with impotent rage and needing to release it to prove he's a man, to exert that power sexually, that was one riveting scene. And yeah, they're both expressing their sadness and rage at the world. "Their hurt hearts meet..." You said it. No need for a quote of the day for THAT exchange! (Anonymous, you do not write too much! What happens is that the more you write and think about it, the more meaningful your comments become. Stay with it.)

Staying with the angry sex: Perhaps that's what it was, a fight. But it was a fight more within themselves than a 'fight' between them. And it, too, changed their relationship, took it to a new level.

Rum...interesting ideas about the timing of the revelation...and the fact that, plot-wise, both men needed to know.

Back to that damn boardroom scene: Tyler has made reference to a Greek god's castration by his son, and there's a bit of plain old male rivalry going on here too. The son supplanting the father and all that. And the father lashes out--'you rode here on your bike, for Christ sake! you're responsible for no one'--in front of all those colleagues, which is humiliating for Tyler. It's so sad really, because then Tyler is almost begging him, in front of all those witnesses, to care. 'Please, Dad, love us,' you can almost hear him say.
There's so much going on here; it is not a typical confrontation scene at all.

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