Friday, April 16, 2010

Thoughts on Remember Me 31

yess i loved Remember Me. saw it 3 times & its always on my mind. such a life changing movie& the music is utterly amazing - only exception

I Love Remember Me, I saw it twice.It's a movie that every1 can relate to, really makes u think. Also RPattz Truly shined - MsAnnie26

Im still feeling emotionally drained after watching #RememberMe it was amazing and defo #RobertPattinson's best film so far <3 it x - pattinson1305

Go see remember me with rob pattinson!!! It's so good!! - jess23charmed4

thought Rob Pattinson in Remember Me was phenomenal - definitely his finest performance to date! - KarenAfro 35

OmG!! :0 i just lOove this movie!! ♥ - annick04

I went to see #RememberMe yesterday! O.M.G it's amazing. My mom is now on converted RPattz fan! We blubbed! - pinkmad17


Carrie said...

I took my mom to see Remember Me, and at the end, she turns to me and says "That Robert Pattinson can act...and he's pretty easy on the eyes as well". Needless to say, she loved the movie, and is now just about as big of a Rob fan as I am(although still not quite! sorry, mom).

kat said...

LOL!! Another convert!! :)

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