Thursday, March 25, 2010 London Talks with Robert Pattinson London chatted with Rob about Remember Me.

Robert Pattinson talks 'Remember Me'

The teen heartthrob proves there’s more to life than ‘Twilight’ as he talks to Time Out about his ‘serious’ indie romance, ‘Remember Me’

The hum of nervous excitement buzzing around Robert Pattinson’s hotel suite this morning is such that you half expect him to walk out with golden skin and alarmingly sharp teeth. But in the flesh, the ‘Twilight’ star is warm, earnest and posher than you might imagine, with something of the teenage schoolboy to him, even down to the frayed cuffs on his jacket. In our closely monitored chat (20 minutes! No questions about Kristin!) Pattinson talks about his role as chain-smoking student loser Tyler Hawkins in the US indie movie ‘Remember Me’, about creating ‘mystique’ as an actor and about sucking blood off his co-star’s lip.

You looked scared stiff when you were handing out a Bafta award last month. Are you getting shyer?
‘I think I am, yeah! The more interviews you do, the more stuff you say to people. You suddenly get worried that people are more likely to judge you. If no one knows anything about you, then you can say whatever you want - and just contradict yourself later. But the more contradictions you make, the scope gets narrower as to what you can say before people get pissed off.’

To read the rest of the interview, please click here: London


Anonymous said...

Why is no one making any commments on this blog? Kat I only think it's you and me but I loved this movie. I luv Rob and he is terrific in it, sure no one wants to be reminded of 9/11 but it was done with reverence. I only hope that across the ocean people will appreciate it more. Sorry, but I don't want him to be another HP, I want hime to be our next James Dean!

Anonymous said...

I loved this movie too, I have seen it twice, fine performances by the whole cast.

Anonymous said...

this film was brilliant i went to see it with my mate and she didnt like it but i did it was really sad at the end i almost cryed. i love rob and think he acted brilliantly in remember me. its nice to see him doin other tuff rather than twilight. good job rob.

chelsea said...

this film was brilliant i thought the relation ship between him and his sister was fantastic.the endin was sad he should'nt of killed himself because of the family that he had left. love you rob see ya soon.

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