Saturday, June 19, 2010

Countdown to DVD Release - Favorite Quotes

Quote #3

"I love you."
"Good! I love you too."


InstantKarmaGirl said...

Stay in bed with her, Tyler! Please? Please stay in bed for a little while longer. Be irresponsible. Stand your father up. Don't worry about the lawyer. Stay in bed and eat French Toast.


LTavares2011 said...

"I love you."
"Good! I love you too."


ITA. Please, Tyler, stay!

Fiction has the power. Words and images have power. They stay in our minds forever and influence our thoughts, actions. At least that is what I believe. This scene marks one of the last and happiest moments of Tyler in RM. He is there in bed, ready to leave home, smiling to Ally. She smiles to him too. They are happy together. I am happy too, because at that moment I am living my dream of having a happy ending but in the end of the film, after having the sensation of taking a punch in my stomach I just only can felt how intolerance can change our lives in a second. How many happy moments human beings can destroy with intolerance? That is what I am still thinking after seeing this beautiful film. That is the power of fiction; makes us thinking and many times makes us change our minds because insignificant or not, things we do are always important, for better or worse. I am always going to think about Tyler and in the man he might have been.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Oh LTavares - it's beautiful. Now you've made me cry!

jessegirl said...

Aw, ladies, I’m in that teary-eyed place too. LTavares, so true. Yes to the power of fiction. There are few fictional characters—for me, I mean—who reel me in and give themselves to me to keep in my heart forever like Tyler does.
And Karma...the first time we see it we don’t know that he won’t come back and we just enjoy the moment. This is the big set-up for the gut-punch, isn’t it? In love, happy, smiling, he goes off to his death. Gulp.

I know what you mean about intolerance, LTavares, but I have a love-hate relationship with it. So many people think that tolerance is always positive but I do not. Let’s put it this way. I am and will continue to be intolerant of everything and everybody who could be responsible for a terrorist act like this one. I am intolerant of misogyny—big time—of any hatred of people just for being what they were born, e.g., their sex, race, height, and so on. Religion, not so much, because so many cruelties and injustices are being carried out in the name of some religion or other. People literally get away with murder when they say, “God made me do it.” Indeed, that was what the attack on the Towers was all about.
So, I will not tolerate that.

Heidi said...

Agree LTavares, very powerful. jessegirl, agree with you, too-How many movies exist where the characters stay with us like they do in Remember Me? Not many. This moment=*tears*. It's like the calm before the storm. At least they both have final moments of happiness before everything changes forever. For them and for us.

LTavares2011 said...


About intolerance: Yes, I understand you and I agree with you. I will never understand what moves people to kill people that they did not see before, innocent people who never did anything to them and only because of their religion, the color of their skin, their sex option, because of the way they think, the place they were born, the place they live, their governments, their political statement, their way of thinking, because of money, because of the illusion of having power, because they are bored, they are jealous, because they are arrogant or simply because they want to. There is nothing that justifies torturing, killing innocent people in any part of the world.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

@LTavares - I've loved your first comment so much I posted it on my blog ! So it's a special post just for you. Big hugs !

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